Calculation of the operating costs

The total costs can be divided into vehicle-dependent costs and infrastructure costs. These are the provided cost blocks:

Table 251: Vehicle type-dependent costs

Vehicle type dependent costs

Hourly costs / Cost time

Time-dependent costs for personnel

Time costs = service time • hourly costs rate of vehicle journeys + empty time • hourly cost rate of empty trips

Kilometer costs / Cost distance

Kilometer-dependent costs for fuel, repairs, etc.

Distance costs = ServiceKm • kilometer cost rate of vehicle journeys + empty kilometers • kilometer cost rate of empty trips

Vehicle costs / Cost vehicle

Assigned fixed cost for a vehicle (debt service as well as other fixed costs such as insurance costs).

Vehicle costs = cost rate per vehicle unit • number of vehicles

The number of vehicles is an output attribute of line blocking.

Table 252: Infrastructure costs

Infrastructure costs

Stop point costs / Cost stop point

Costs for the usage of stop points These can be composed of depreciation costs (for example investment costs), running costs (for example maintenance costs) and utilization costs (for example fees for using the stops).

Costs 1/2/3 stop points

Three cost rates which are included in the calculation of stop point costs (Stop point cost).

Link costs / Cost links

Costs for the usage of links (infrastructure cost) The link costs are divided equally between the vehicle journeys which use the link.

Costs 1/2/3 links

Three cost rates which are included in the calculation of link costs (Link costs).

Operator costs / Cost operator

Share of costs for general operational costs These can be composed of depreciation costs (for example investment costs) or running costs (for example maintenance costs).

Costs 1/2/3 operators

Three cost rates which are included in the calculation of operator costs (Operator cost).

The total costs which accumulate for operating public transport, are returned in the following attribute.

Table 253: Total cost

Total cost


Costs = time costs + distance costs + vehicle costs + stop point costs + link costs + operator costs